Sales Hotline:+(86)0635-2929827 2937899



ring of disc cutter

Product Type:RZ
Applications:subway/metro tunneling
Category:TBM Cutter Bits

shield driving cutters

+(86)0635-2929827 2937899
1.The company has advanced shield driving cutter design concept, accumulated a wealth of successful experience in the construction of shield driving cutter.

2.Products have high wear resistance, impact resistance.

3.The shield driving cutters of our company has been successfully applied in the sandy pebble stratum of Subway Engineering in Chengdu, Beijing, Shenyang and so on.

4.In order to meet the need of complex geologicalWe have developed and produced adisc cutter with "pressure balancing device" and high wear-resistant disc cutter ,And succeed in the domestic big shield construction project.


Sales Hotline

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